Monday, April 20, 2009


Welcome all to my [lovely] [hopelessly] [insane] world. Come in, make yourself at home, and stay awhile...I think you'll find it quite comfortable. You see, we are [me] and my [friends], what ya'll are not [you] and [your] friends ~~~>OURSELVEs. We'Re not [afraid] to be called those [crazy] but [real] girls. [BGC] is not a clique, gang, hit squad, entertainment group, etc., We'Re just [friends] helping each other [obtain] the most of [our] experience at [Georgia Southern University]. And when I say [you] and [your] friends i'm simply [mentioning] the people who [strive] to bring [sadness] and [gloomy] days to our lives, but [luckily] never [succeed]~~~>BECAUSe we have [each] other.

So until my next thought's bday, LIVe&LOVe your LIFe<3

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